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Cannabis Uses
Ever heard of the weed strain called Serious 6? It’s an uplifting kind of buzz. It will energize you. Very good for work, good for listening to music, very good for sex. Really? Absolutely. Perfect plant for the USA. While weed laws are becoming more progressive in many states across the US, unbelievably, cannabis cultivation...
Chemotherapy is a common treatment for cancer that involves the use of medications to fight cancer cells. However, it also leads to negative side effects, including nausea and vomiting. While there are prescription drugs available to manage these side effects, they often come with their own set of negative effects. In recent years, medical marijuana,...
In this blog post, we will discuss the inspiring story of Mark Zartler, a father who found a unique solution to help his daughter, Kara, who suffers from cerebral palsy and severe autism. Mark’s dedication led him to discover the potential benefits of medical marijuana in alleviating Kara’s symptoms. Despite the legal implications, Mark decided...