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Cannabis is not as bad as alcohol

Alcohol, despite being legal, is associated with numerous health risks and fatalities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol is responsible for approximately 88,000 deaths each year in the United States. This includes direct overdoses and fatalities resulting from accidents caused by alcohol impairment. A Columbia University study found that being drunk increases the risk of a fatal accident by 13-fold, while marijuana increases the risk by less than 2-fold. Additionally, alcohol contributes to violence, crime, addiction, and various health issues such as cancer and liver failure.

The Potential of Legalized Marijuana:

The question arises: if marijuana were legalized, would people use it as a replacement or a complement to alcohol? If it were a replacement, it could have significant public health benefits. Marijuana is considered safer than alcohol, as there have been no recorded deaths directly caused by marijuana use. Moreover, individuals under the influence of marijuana are less likely to engage in violent or dangerous behavior. Increased marijuana use and decreased alcohol consumption could lead to fewer deaths from intoxication, reduced drunk driving fatalities, and decreased crime and violence.

The Unknown Answer:

While there is encouraging early evidence suggesting that marijuana could replace alcohol for some individuals, the answer is not yet clear. Surveys of medical marijuana users in Canada and California have shown that a significant percentage of users replace alcohol with marijuana or consume less alcohol. However, it is important to note that these surveys focused on medical marijuana users, who may have different motivations and behaviors compared to recreational users. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between marijuana and alcohol use in the general population.

The Need for Policy Change:

Given that many individuals seek mind-altering substances, it is crucial to consider public policy that encourages the use of safer alternatives. However, the federal government’s classification of marijuana as a highly dangerous substance hinders the ability to implement such policies. Despite mounting evidence suggesting the potential benefits of legalizing marijuana, the federal government continues to view it as a substance with no redeeming value. This stance prevents the exploration of marijuana as a potential harm reduction strategy.


While marijuana remains classified as a Schedule 1 drug, the potential public health benefits of legalizing it cannot be ignored. By replacing or reducing alcohol consumption, marijuana could potentially save lives, reduce accidents, and decrease crime and violence. However, further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between marijuana and alcohol use. Ultimately, public policy should be based on evidence and prioritize harm reduction strategies to promote the overall well-being of individuals and communities.


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