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Top 5 Things to Know Before Growing Autoflowers



Autoflowering cannabis plants have gained popularity among growers of late due to their fast growth and shorter flowering time. However, there are certain things that new growers should know before diving into autoflower cultivation. In this blog post, we will discuss the top five things that experienced growers wish they had known before starting their autoflower journey.

1. Less is More:

One common misconception among new growers is that more nutrients will result in better plant growth. However, experienced growers have learned that less is more when it comes to feeding autoflowers. It is crucial to learn how to read the plants and understand their nutrient requirements. Overfeeding can lead to nutrient burn and other issues, while underfeeding is easier to correct. Take your time to learn and don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes in the beginning.

2. Timely Intervention:

ILGM Autoflower strains grow at a rapid pace, and once you notice an issue, it may already be too late to completely correct it. This is especially true when using dry amendments, as it takes time for the nutrients to become available to the plants. If you see any deficiencies, it’s a sign that you need to act quickly. Compost teas and other organic supplements can help address nutrient deficiencies in a timely manner.

3. Harvest Time:

Autoflowers have a relatively short life cycle, and it’s important to know when to harvest them for optimal results. Generally, autoflowers reach their peak maturity around 84 days from germination. Going beyond this timeframe may result in diminished yields and quality. While some special cases may require a longer growth period, most autoflowers are ready for harvest within 84 days.

4. Training Techniques:

Training autoflowers can significantly improve their yield and overall growth. However, it’s important to know when and how to train them. Experienced growers recommend cutting the bottom two nodes around day 25 and topping the plant around day 28-30. Topping should be done only once, as multiple toppings may not be necessary for autoflowers. Keeping the canopy even and training the branches can help maximize yields.

5. Genetic Variability:

Autoflower genetics can be unpredictable, even when using seeds from the same strain or seed bank. Each seed may exhibit different characteristics, making autoflowers a wild card in terms of genetics. While stability and consistency are more commonly associated with photoperiod strains, autoflowers offer a faster turnaround time and generally produce good results. It’s important to embrace the variability and learn from each grow.


Growing autoflowers can be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to be aware of certain factors before starting. Understanding that less is more when it comes to nutrients, timely intervention for addressing issues, knowing the optimal harvest time, training techniques, and embracing the genetic variability are key to successful autoflower cultivation. With time and experience, growers can refine their techniques and achieve impressive results with autoflowers.


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